General Access
In this document we will discuss accessing it through the web interface. To Access the group simply click on the “Groups” disclosure triangle on the left hand side under your email folders in Outlook Online and you will see it listed. In this example our group is “NWU Testing”
You will notice a toolbar under the Group name that easily allows you access to sections of the group.
To access the calendar you will see it listed as a calendar on the left hand side under “Your calendars” in the Calendar app in Outlook Online. You can also access the calendar through the toolbar under the group name if you have already accessed the group.
To access group files simply click on “Files” under the Group Title bar after you have accessed the group through Outlook Online.
To access the group notebook simply click on “Notebook” under the Group Title bar after you have accessed the group through Outlook Online. NOTE: This takes you to OneNote online and out of the group access page.